Mike Nestor Presenting at the Vincent A. Bifferato Superior Court Trial Practice Forum
On Friday, April 20, 2018, The Vincent A. Bifferato Superior Court Trial Practice Forum will present a panel discussion entitled, "When Duty Calls - Handling Court Appointments in Delaware." Partner Mike Nestor will be speaking along with the Honorable Barbara Crowell; Tania Culley, Esq. - Office of the Child Advocate, and Janine Howard O'Rangers, Esq. – DVLS. The moderators of the panel will be Dawn Williams, Esq. – Office of Def. Servs. and Ellie Torres, Esq. – Family Court.
The panelists will explore court appointments from the perspective of both the judiciary and practitioners. They will discuss the various types of court appointments in civil and criminal matters in the Family Court and what is required of appointed counsel in the pre-trial, trial and appellate phases of the litigation.