Panelist, "The Doctrine, in Perspective," Conference "The Corporate Contract in Changing Times: Is the Law Keeping Up?", sponsored by UC Berkeley School of Law, Vanderbilt Law School and Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, Berkeley, California, April 14, 2016
On April 14-15, Corporate Partner Elena Norman will be on the west coast joining Chief Justice Leo E. Strine, Jr. and Chancellor Andre G. Bouchard, along with leading academics, attorneys, investment bankers, and others to discuss the future direction of corporate law.
Specifically, Elena will be participating in the opening panel on April 14th entitled, "The Doctrine, in Perspective." This panel will "reflect on the generation of corporate lawmaking since Van Gorkom, Unocal, Revlon and Moran and ask the baseline question: how are these foundational cases keeping up? And in an exercise in corporate law futurology, the panel will look to the next generation to ask where the doctrine is headed. The panel will also reflect on the sources of corporate law – the DGCL, common-law law making through fiduciary duty litigation, and the limited license for judicial rulemaking – evaluating the efficacy of each, and the most promising vehicles for continuing doctrinal innovation."
Elena will be joined by Moderator, Steven Solomon, and panelists, Chief Justice Strine, Theodore Mirvis of Wachtell, Hillary Sale of Washington University and Randy Baron of Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd.