Norman M. Powell Elected Secretary of the American Bar Association’s Business Law Section
Young Conaway is pleased to announce that Norman M. Powell has been elected Secretary of the American Bar Association’s Business Law Section for a term beginning in September 2022.
The Business Law Section is a global network of almost 40,000 business law professionals interested in expanding their knowledge, engaging with their professional communities, and advancing their experience. With more than 50 committees, the Section’s mission is to serve its members, the profession, and the public by providing educational resources to its members, assisting members in serving their clients ethically and competently, and furthering the development and improvement of business law. Among its publications, the Section offers the nation’s premier business law journal, The Business Lawyer (now in its 77th year), and Business Law Today, a monthly online magazine.
Mr. Powell is a partner in the Delaware law firm of Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP, where he provides guidance and renders legal opinions regarding security interests and all aspects of the laws governing Delaware entities in both domestic and international transactions. He has been active in the American Bar Association since 2000, and has held leadership positions in the Business Law Section since 2007, having served as Chair of its Uniform Commercial Code Committee, as a member of its governing Council, and, since 2017, as a member of its Executive Committee as Content Officer. A former President of the American College of Commercial Finance Lawyers, Mr. Powell is a member of the American Law Institute, the Permanent Editorial Board for the UCC, and the TriBar Opinion Committee, and a former member of the Board of Directors and current member of the Advisory Board of the Working Group on Legal Opinions Foundation.