Young Conaway Wine to Water Partnership

Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP is a proud sponsor and supporter of Wine to Water (W|W), a non-profit organization committed to supporting life and dignity for all through the power of cleanwater. More than 750,000 people in 30 countries now have clean drinking water through the Wine To Water community, and those numbers continue to grow daily.

Today, over 700 million people in the world lack access to adequate water and more than 2.4 billion people lack access to improved sanitation. Young Conaway engages in activities to help support W|W including hosting filter builds and fundraising events as well as volunteering internationally with the organization, among other efforts.

Our goal in organizing is to capture the entire firm’s collaborative and caring spirit to bring clean water, our most basic need, to others around the globe. Young Conaway is proud to be making a difference.

To learn more about Young Conaway's efforts, click on the video below:

Young Conaway's Vice Chairman and Bankruptcy Partner Michael Nestor recently traveled with Wine to Water representatives to Nepal. You may view photos from his efforts to bring clean water to the Chitwan region in the carousel below.

To engage directly with the Wine to Water community, please visit