Adam Poff Quoted In News Journal Regarding Delaware Courts and Supreme Court Decision, TC Heartland LLC v. Kraft Food Brands Group LLC
Intellectual Property Partner Adam Poff was quoted by journalist Jeff Mordock in Sunday's News Journal article entitled, "U.S. Supreme Court ruling could be economic boon for Delaware." The story discusses the recent Supreme Court Decision, TC Heartland LLC v. Kraft Food Brands Group LLC, and what influence the decision may have on Delaware's courts and economy.
Mr. Poff stated that overall, "[p]atent litigation has decreased for a few years...To the extent there is some increase to get it back up to where it was previously, that's a good thing." He also noted that "the increased workload could fall on the court's three magistrate judges, who are appointed to assist the court's judges in performing their duties."
In response to the Supreme Court's decision, the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware announced late Friday afternoon that there will be a new procedure for the assignment of cases to visiting judges in light of the District’s two vacancies on the bench.
To read the complete News Journal article or learn more about the District Court announcement, click below:
U.S. Supreme Court ruling could be economic boon for Delaware
District of Delaware Announces Procedures for Visiting Judges