Gaza and DiBianca Appointed to the Delaware Supreme Court's Commission on Law & Technology

October 24, 2013


Young Conaway IP Partner, Anne Gaza, and Employment Law Associate, Margaret (Molly) DiBianca, have just been appointed to the Delaware Supreme Court’s Commission on Law & Technology. The new Commission was created to develop and publish guidelines and best practices regarding the use of technology and the practice of law as they may relate to lawyer competence and client confidentiality. In selecting the members of the Commission, Supreme Court Justice Henry duPont Ridgely, Liaison Justice to the new Arm of Court, said: “We have established a Commission on Law and Technology with broad representation including judges from a variety of Delaware courts as well as lawyers in private practice from various sized law firms, the Department of Justice, in-house corporate counsel and information technology officers.”

The Commission will meet at least quarterly to discuss technology trends and issues affecting lawyers’ ethical obligations. The Commission will create a knowledge bank of opinions and articles relating to ethical issues involving technology and the practice of law. In addition, the Commission will create and present educational programs for Delaware lawyers on ethics and technology. According to Justice Ridgely, “the Court expects the Commission to become a valuable resource not only to all Delaware judges and lawyers for issues related to technology and ethics in the practice of law but also to serve as a model for other states who are interested in assisting their judges and lawyers maintain their professional competence in technology.”

A copy of a Law Technology News article announcing the Commission is attached HERE.