Elena Norman and David McBride Recognized by Who's Who Legal M&A and Governance 2019
WILMINGTON, DE - Elena C. Norman and David C. McBride, partners in Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP’s Corporate Litigation and Counseling section, were recently selected by colleagues and clients as "leaders in the field" of M&A and Corporate Governance by Who’s Who Legal.
Who’s Who Legal publishes M&A and Governance 2019 which features over 1500 private practice attorneys from 85 jurisdictions worldwide who focus on corporate mergers, acquisitions, and governance issues. The publication is written by London-based Law Business Research. Nominees are chosen based upon “comprehensive, independent survey work with both general counsel and private practice lawyers worldwide.” The publication is circulated to leading international corporations, government agencies, law firms and individual private practitioners. Information is also accessible online at www.whoswholegal.com.